Digital Marketing Services

Boost your online presence, the relationship with your customers and sales with the help of an integrated Digital Marketing Strategy!

A successful digital presence is characterized by durability, consistency and steady growth!


It also requires a carefully planned strategy in order to effectively meet the ever-increasing competition in the digital world.

Our goal is to optimally manage our clients’ budgets by using the most suitable digital advertising tools on a case-by-case basis, aiming at successful and efficient online presence across all target audiences.

Our services include:

Social Media Marketing. Fractal Net's specialized digital marketing team will handle the presence and effective ROI in Social Media Networks by developing and managing your business accounts, creating and distributing content, building targeted paid promotion campaigns.

Search Engine Marketing - SEO and Google Ads Campaigns. It includes website optimization services aiming to provide valuable organic traffic by achieving higher rankings on the most popular search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). It also includes designing and developing effective advertising campaigns on Google and her partners’ network.

Email Marketing. It is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach potential customers online. Consumers who have voluntarily allowed e-mail communications with a business are positively predisposed to accepting mails about the company's news, promotions and other business related updates. Our goal is to build successful email campaigns that will deliver the right messages to the right customers at the right time in order to increase customer loyalty and therefore repeat sales.


 In any aspect of the Digital Marketing spectrum, the key is what the Fractal Net team calls "The Path To Success"!



The effectiveness of this path lies in its distinct phases, as the success of every phase is ultimately based on the successful completion of the precedent one! Thus, a properly designed and executed Digital Marketing Plan can benefit a company in multiple ways:


  • Detailed mapping of  the current business situation as well as the desired future status, so we'll be always aware of where we stand and which our next goal is
  • Identifying the strengths, weaknesses as well as potential future threats and opportunities, which assists in the growth process
  • Recording of industry, market and competitor movements, for the development of an effective action plan
  • Real-time realization of customer wishes and needs, that helps a company in its product/service optimization
  • Flexibility in market changes by making more effective business decisions that lead in an increase on the Return On Investment
  • Optimization of customer targeting and increased conversion rates, as the right messages reach the right people at the right time
  • More cost-efficient advertising investment, because of the aforementioned customer targeting optimization
  • Upgrading business-to-customer communication, as the Internet offers a medium that is unaffected by time and distance constraints
  • Increased customer loyalty and sales, since a delighted customer is easier to retain 
  • Decreased Conversion time and increased sale’s value, as customers convert more easily online, thus, leading to an increase profit margin  
  • Reduced communication costs, since the Internet is currently the most direct and inexpensive medium of communication with customers
  • Enhanced brand awareness, as we now have the ability of omnipresence
  • Reaching new potential customers and expanding to new markets because of the broader audience we can reach
  • Effective measurement of effectiveness and ability to optimize, since there is an abundance of data collection and analysis tools out there
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